Thank you for checking out Studioberry!

I'm Alexandre Spehler, a French full-stack software engineer living in Los Angeles and passionate about artificial intelligence, web development, and the movie industry.

My favorite movie has always been Back to the Future, and seeing Christopher Lloyd in the Gemini API Developer Competition trailer inspired me to create this project at the intersection of my passions.

Over the past three months, I have been traveling at 88 miles per hour, bringing Studioberry to life.

Alexandre Spehler in a delorean

Project Timeline

Google I/O 2024

While at Google I/O, I learned about the Gemini API Developer Competition, sat down in the Electric Delorean, and knew what I had to do for the next three months.

Project ideation

After soaking up many ideas, I brainstormed the best ways to fully utilize Gemini's new features—text, image, and voice generation, a 2M context window, context caching, and more—and came up with the initial concept for Studioberry.

First commit

Made the initial commit to the Studioberry repository, laying down the foundation of the platform and using Gemini API to integrate advanced AI capabilities to the project.

Launch of Studioberry!

I am very excited to present to Google's developer community the first version of Studioberry, an AI-driven platform that transforms the way film producers collaborate and produce movies from screenplays.